Flashing via Command Line

Flashing your DevKitty via Command Line, using ESPTool

Step 1: Downloads

Step 2: Place Your DevKitty in Flash Mode

Next, you’ll have to place your DevKitty into DFU (Device Firmware Upgrade) mode! You can do this in 2 ways:

Option 1:

  1. Plug the DevKitty into your computer
  2. Hold down the 0 button
  3. Tap & Release the RST button

Option 2:

  1. Hold down the 0 button
  2. Plug in the DevKitty
  3. Release the 0 button

Step 3: Find Serial Port & Erase Flash

  1. Find the Serial Port (SERIAL_PORT) your DevKitty is connected to:
  • Windows: Found via Device Manager
  • MacOS: ls /dev/cu*
  • Linux: ls /dev/tty*
  1. Erase the flash:
  • Windows / Mac / Linux:
esptool --chip esp32s2 -p <SERIAL_PORT> erase_flash

Step 4: Flashing

Run the following command to flash the latest release file to your DevKitty!

  • Windows / Mac / Linux
esptool --chip esp32s2 -p <SERIAL_PORT> write_flash -z 0x0 <binary>.bin

Your DevKitty is ready to hack!

Once flashing is finished, reset your DevKitty to complete the update.