Firmware Guide

Picking the right firmware for your DevKitty.


The ESP32-S2 is a capable chip that supports WiFi functionality, native USB, and a handful of other nifty features that make it perfect for powering our pocket-sized hacking companions.

At the moment, we’re experimenting with custom firmware that maximizes DevKitty’s independent strengths - this includes:

  • DevKitty Wardriver: Cat-themed wardriving & WiFi reconnaissance
  • DevKitty Invader: A simple WiFi attack & network defense tool (coming soon)
  • ScriptKitty: A BadUSB platform with WiFi-triggered attacks & onboard storage!

These tools aren’t perfect, but we’re building them alongside our educational content and focusing on bringing more functionality to the features & specific tools based off your feedback.


Adafruit’s CircuitPython is an interpreted programming language, that runs directly on your DevKitty, and a handful of other capable boards.

CircuitPython lets you develop code & prototype on any computer - or even your smartphone without needing… finish this thought