⚒️ Assembly Guide

Assembling & soldering your new CutieCat!

⚙ Parts

MicrocontrollerESP32-S3 WiFi & Bluetooth MCU
Screen128x64px SH1106 OLED Display
Pin Header6 Pin Breakout for CutieCat Add-ons
Antenna (Patch)Omni Antenna
Antenna (External)Long-range Antenna

🗒 Steps

1. Place the ESP32

  • Start by melting a small “tack” of solder to one of the CutieCat microcontroller pads. This will help us place the ESP32 before committing.
  • Center the ESP32 on the microcontroller footprint.
  • Reheat the tack of solder until it melts, while pressing down the ESP32. Don’t worry about how the first joint looks!
  • Let the solder cool! If you need to readjust the microcontroller, simply reheat the joint.

2. Solder the ESP32

  • a. Solder each remaining pad on the microcontroller!
  • b. Ensure the connection is solid by bridging the ESP32 pad & PCB pads
  • c. Avoid burning the switch connector! *

*Switch connector will be moved in update v0.1 design

3. Solder the Expansion Header

  • a. Insert the 6-Pin Header on the Side
  • b. Lay the board & header flush on a flat surface
  • c. Solder the joints!

4. Prep + Solder the Screen

  • a. Add double-sided foam tape at the bottom of the screen footprint (not pictured)
  • b. Center & press the screen in place.
  • c. Solder the screen joints on the back.

5. Antenna & Case Assembly

  • a. Snap the patch antenna onto the ESP32 u.fl connector
  • b. Insert the D-Pad into the Top Enclosure
  • c. Place the CutieCat in face-down
  • d. Snap-on the Back Enclosure!

6. Quality Assurance

  • Plug in your CutieCat with USB Type C
  • With your board fully assembled, it should power on the QA Firmware!
  • Check out our Firmware Guide to load new firmware.

🔧 Additional Mods

Check out our mods section for more, including adding the long-range antenna!