Case Designs

Enclosure Designs for DevKitty


DevKitty ships with a basic 3D-printed enclosure that protects the screen & other components from damage in transit.

The design is comprised of 4 parts:

  1. Faceplate
  2. Backplate
  3. D-Pad
  4. Bumper

The design snap fits together with 3 bevels and 2 relief points. You’ll notice the PCB contains screw stand-offs from older designs that used threaded inserts.

The 3D printed Bumper Button interfaces with the Boot Button / 0 Button on the S2 mini - which is necessary to toggle if you’re reflashing your firmware.

Case Evolution

As much as we’d love to openly display our beautiful circuit board art, the screens fractured easily when shipping earlier DevKitty boards. This called for a fully encapsulated enclosure!

A couple iterations later, we ended up with a chonky console-like design that can be easily 3D printed!

The most recent v3.1 boards were shipped with updated cases that allow you to toggle the Boot Button without having to remove the enclosure.

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